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All Is Calm

Something so magical about playing piano and singing sweet simple songs like Silent Night at this Christmas-y time of the year, alone in the house near dusk, and getting up to find a deer at your front door looking like she’s listening. Like she heard a call.

Our name — HoverSleigh — came to light/life partly because of this time of year. A lot of the original visions for this project chnneled winter energy. The dreamy energy of so many dark hours leading to trippy flights of the imagination. The value of light and magic to ferry us through the gloom.

2023 may not be the year all (or any) of our HoverSleigh visions were realized, but tonight the curious little cloven-hooved creature responding to the simple sound of a single voice and keys makes my spirit buoyant. Hopeful. Able to follow starlight into next year with this reminder.

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